A place to store your text and audio recordings, to-do lists, pictures, links and any other files. Create notes easily and view them in a convenient format, with instant search and a broad variety of ways to organize your content. You can work with any file types.
- a modern, streamlined design
- black, white and gray themes
- fast audio recorder
- integrated to-do
- flexible storage management*
- a simple interface for adding files, links and text
- passcode and Touch ID*
- adaptive view mode for the list of notes
- a broad set of features for organizing data: folders, tags, geotags, sorting, favorites
- an extension for quickly adding files, links and text
- flexible support for exporting content: you may share the entire note or any part of it
- treating source files with care: all files are stored in their original format, which can be accessed at any time
- a fast search available inside the app as well as through Spotlight
- iCloud sync
- excellent support for GIF images
*Additional option.
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